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  2. Build a Weaverse Hydrogen Theme

Content Security Policy

Published on Nov 20, 2023, updated 4 months ago

Content Security Policy (CSP) Overview

Content Security Policy (CSP) is a security measure used by web browsers to protect your website by specifying which external resources are allowed to load. CSP serves as a safeguard, letting you define approved sources for scripts, stylesheets, and other content.

Automatic CSP Configuration in Weaverse

Weaverse automatically configures CSP for your projects using the createContentSecurityPolicy utility from the @shopify/hydrogen package. This is integrated within your project's entry.server.jsx file. Here's a typical implementation:

import { RemixServer } from '@remix-run/react'import { createContentSecurityPolicy } from '@shopify/hydrogen'import type { AppLoadContext, EntryContext } from '@shopify/remix-oxygen'import { getWeaverseCsp } from '~/weaverse/create-weaverse.server'import { isbot } from 'isbot'import { renderToReadableStream } from 'react-dom/server'
export default async function handleRequest(  request: Request,  responseStatusCode: number,  responseHeaders: Headers,  remixContext: EntryContext,  context: AppLoadContext,) {  const { nonce, header, NonceProvider } = createContentSecurityPolicy({    ...getWeaverseCsp(request, context),    shop: {      checkoutDomain:        context.env?.PUBLIC_CHECKOUT_DOMAIN || context.env?.PUBLIC_STORE_DOMAIN,      storeDomain: context.env?.PUBLIC_STORE_DOMAIN,    },  })  const body = await renderToReadableStream(    <NonceProvider>      <RemixServer context={remixContext} url={request.url} />    </NonceProvider>,    {      nonce,      signal: request.signal,      onError(error) {        console.error(error)        responseStatusCode = 500      },    },  )
  if (isbot(request.headers.get('user-agent'))) {    await body.allReady  }
  responseHeaders.set('Content-Type', 'text/html')  responseHeaders.set('Content-Security-Policy', header)  return new Response(body, {    headers: responseHeaders,    status: responseStatusCode,  })}

Customizing Your CSP

Weaverse uses default CSP policies that are suitable for most needs, defined in the getWeaverseCsp function. These policies ensure that all Weaverse resources load correctly and that the system operates smoothly within Weaverse Studio.

// <root>/app/weaverse/create-weaverse.server.ts
/** * Generates default CSP for Weaverse. * Modify the return directives based on your requirements. * * @param request * @param context * @returns CSP policies */export function getWeaverseCsp(request: Request, context: AppLoadContext) {  let url = new URL(request.url)  let weaverseHost =    url.searchParams.get('weaverseHost') || context.env.WEAVERSE_HOST  let isDesignMode = url.searchParams.get('weaverseHost')  let weaverseHosts = ['*.weaverse.io', '*.shopify.com', '*.myshopify.com']  if (weaverseHost) {    weaverseHosts.push(weaverseHost)  }  let updatedCsp: {    [x: string]: string[] | string | boolean  } = {    defaultSrc: [      'data:',      '*.youtube.com',      '*.google.com',      '*.google-analytics.com',      '*.googletagmanager.com',      ...weaverseHosts,    ],    connectSrc: ['vimeo.com', '*.google-analytics.com', ...weaverseHosts],  }  if (isDesignMode) {    updatedCsp.frameAncestors = ['*']  }  return updatedCsp}

Common Customizations

If you need to customize CSP for specific requirements, such as loading external scripts or enabling additional integrations, update the getWeaverseCsp function with the appropriate sources. For example, to allow scripts from additional external domains, you might modify the scriptSrc directive:

scriptSrc: [  'cdn.example.com',  'www.googletagmanager.com',  '*.clarity.ms',  ...weaverseHosts,]

For detailed guidance on CSP directive values, visit content-security-policy.com.


CSP is a critical security feature that helps protect your website by controlling the sources of content. Weaverse provides automatic CSP configuration, but you can customize it to fit your specific needs. Properly managing CSP can enhance the security and functionality of your Weaverse Hydrogen theme.

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